Thursday, July 12, 2007

Building application using Struts2 +Tiles2

We knew that webwork was better MVC framework than struts 1.x and was very excited when webwork decided to come under the tag of Struts. Last week we get the opportunity to develop a web-application using Struts2.First of all, Struts2 doesn't not have as much documentations or mailing lists as Struts 1.x do so it was hard to find the solutions but we are happy that finally application was developed. So let dive into web application development.

In this article, we shall develop a web application module(Building) using struts2+tiles2+validation utilizing test Driven Development.

So lets develop unit test cases for our Building Module:
  1. Test Cases for Action .
  2. Test Cases for Validation.
  3. Test Cases for Result Type.